Our aim

Our aim as a family-equipping ministry is to engage, equip, and encourage parents in the daily task of discipling their children toward a lifetime of following Jesus.


Sundays, 9:30 am (during service) and 11:00 am (as needed, during Sunday school)

Our nursery is available every Sunday during our worship service and Sunday school for infants and toddlers. On a child's 4th birthday, they will stay with their parents during the service. Our dedicated and loving nursery staff shepherd children weekly as parents worship in the service. 

Elementary Sunday School

Sundays, following the service (September -May)

Our children's ministry is a fun, interactive environment on Sunday mornings for children ages 2 through 5th grade. Our qualified leaders walk the children through engaging, age-appropriate lessons that broaden their understanding of the Bible and point them to Jesus Christ. We want to intentionally tailor and target educational atmospheres for students based on their age, maturity, and abilities to comprehend what’s being taught.