We believe a disciple is someone being transformed by Christ’s love to share His life with others.

The two active categories of that statement are being transformed and sharing life. The question to be answered is, “How would we be able to tell if someone is being transformed and sharing life with Jesus and others?”

We believe a disciple is Transformed by and Shares Life through: Gospel, Worship, Community, and Mission, which we have established as our 4 Discipleship Values. 

By God’s grace, we want to see discipleship happen all the time at CLEFC. 

We want to see people move from darkness to light (Colossians 1:13-14) by coming under the Lordship of Jesus, receiving baptism, and learning to follow Jesus and make much of Him in all things through all of life. 


We desire to treasure, above all else, the reality of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection on our behalf. We want to know, through faith, we can live restored lives with God. We want to know that following Jesus is worth whatever cost we may face. We want the gospel to have a practical and observable outworking in every facet of our lives. 


We desire to be captivated by and respond to the beauty and splendor of God’s majesty with worship in our own personal devotion as well as gathered times with others. We want to move beyond thinking worship only happens at church as we sing together, but is a far more radical, all-encompassing activity that includes every single aspect of our lives.


We desire to sacrificially put others before ourselves, together live genuinely transparent lives which welcome loving sharpening, and use our gifts and abilities to serve and build up the Body of Christ in fruitful and creative ways.


We desire, both individually and corporately, to be committed to people far from God, both in our circle of influence as well as those around the world by being actively involved in service, mercy, compassion, evangelism, and mission for the sake of the gospel.