It's been asked, "If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?" The mission and vision of the church seeks to answer that for us.
Our Mission
A mission statement seeks to answer "What You Do." It is a statement describing the reason we exist and is used to help guide decisions about priorities, actions, and responsibilities.
The mission of Clear Lake Evangelical Free Church, based upon Jesus' final commission to his disciples in Matthew 28 is to make disciples by “Sharing Life Transformed by Christ’s Love.”
A vision statement seeks to look at the "Desired End-State." It's a statement describing the clear and inspirational long-term desired change resulting from our labors. It really tries to answer the monumental question, "What's the desired result that's possible only if God shows up?"
The vision statement should also bridge our unique mission and our unique contextual needs. The unique contextual needs of Clear Lake and the surrounding area include: Hidden Brokenness, Apathetic Faith, and Demographic Polarization.
“Our vision is that through the ministries of Clear Lake Evangelical Free Church, we will live on mission with the gospel to transform lives in our church, hundreds in our community, and thousands among the nations.”